Commodity Chemicals
The commodity chemicals are the products to build up the foundation of the chemical business of ADEKA. As peroxides, we offer mainly products such as hydrogen peroxide based oxidizing and reducing agents, and ammonium persulfate based persulfate salts. In the field of electrolysis and industrial chemicals, our products consist of inorganic chemicals, polypropylene glycols, metal soaps, etc. For both fields, we enjoy a high reputation from our customers by virtue of our long year production record and stable supply.
Products List
Propylene Glycol
We started the commercial production of propylene glycol for the first time in Japan. In particular, the cosmetic or fragrance grade DPG-RF has much less smell than the normal grade and therefore can be safely used for the fragrance-free cosmetics.
PG for Industrial Use
Main applications: unsaturated polyester resins, hydraulic oils, plasticizers, raw materials for anti-freeze liquids, solvents for inks, and stabilizers for detergents.
PG for Food Additives
Main applications: food flavors, solvents for food dyes, preservatives for fresh noodles, moisturizers for tobacco, etc.
PG in the Japanese Phamacopoeia
Main applications: solvents, moisturizers.
PG for Cosmetics
Main applications: moisturizers, solvents for ingredients of cosmetics, stabilizers for cosmetics.
Main applications: raw materials for unsaturated polyester resins, solvents, detergents.
Main applications: moisturizers, solvents for ingredients of cosmetics, bacteriostatic agents, and stabilizers for cosmetics.
Main applications: raw materials for light curing resins, and solvents .
Peroxygen Chemicals
ADEKA started its peroxygen chemical business in 1959. Since then, we have steadily pushed forward with R&D and now boast an exceptionally wide range of products, including hydrogen peroxides, persulfates, thiourea dioxide, sodium percarbonate, diethylhydroxylamine, etc.
Hydrogen Peroxide
This is used for a wide range of areas, including bleaching, oxidation, chemical synthesis, treatment of metal surfaces, and environmental protection. We supply a variety of peroxides, including sodium percarbonate for cleaning and TEC P (peracetic acid) for disinfection.
High Purity Hydrogen Peroxide
We produce high purity hydrogen peroxide used for producing electronic or semiconductor devices and silicon wafers from industrial hydrogen peroxide by the integrated system at our same factory. We ensure the reliable and stable supply of the high purity product under our intensive quality management system.
Persulphates are products used for various applications, including etching agents for printed substrates and soil improvement.
Reducing Agents
DEHA is used as the polymerization terminator of synthetic rubber.
Function Products
ADEKA TEC HES (isethionic acid)is a compound containing two functional groups within the molecule, a hydroxyl group and a sulfonate group. Being highly reactive, it can be used for a variety of areas and applications.
Metal Soaps (Efco-Chem)
We produce metal soaps by dry process. The metal soaps produced by dry process are characterized by the absence of soluble salts, formation of particles suitable for improving powder fluidity, easy adjustment of apparent specific gravity, and capability to produce powder, pellet, or flake products.
Zinc Stearate
Main applications: lubricants, mold release agents, pigment dispersants, stabilizers for use of powder metallurgy, ferrite, FRP, PS, coatings for wood work, processing pigments, thermal papers.
Calcium Stearate
Main applications: lubricants, mold release agents, pigment dispersants, stabilizers, water repellents for use of PE, PS, cement, shell molding.
Magnesium Stearate
Main applications: mold release agents, pigment dispersants for use of ABS and urea resin.
Inorganic Chemicals
Main applications: antislipping agents for paper and fiber, precision casting, binder for refractory material, catalyst carrier, and reinforcing material for adhesives and paint.
"ADEKA CHLORITARD" is a steel-based acid cleaner that generates less corrosive gas compared to hydrochloric acid. Minimization of corrosive gas generation can improve the working and surrounding environment and prevent facility deterioration due to corrosion. Use of this product can also improve productivity, since it has a stronger acid pickling ability than hydrochloric acid.
Iron Chloride (Ferrous Chloride Solutions, Ferric Chloride Solutions)
"ADEKA FERRIC CHLORIDE" is a chemical product widely used as a coagulation and sedimentation agent. It is also used as an etching solution for photoengraving and printed circuits.