

Disclosure Policy

ADEKA takes great pains to respect the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act as well as other ordinances and regulations. At the same time, we try our best to disclose accurate company information at the proper time in a respectable and fair manner to the greatest extent possible.

Criteria of Disclosure

ADEKA Groups complies with acts related to the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act as well as the "Rules on Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information by Issuer or Listed Security and the Like" established by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and discloses accurate information at the proper time in a fair manner.
Regarding other information, we will disclose information that we judge to be necessary or useful for our stockholders in their understanding of our company.

Method of Information Disclosure

Disclosure of information corresponding to the Rules on Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information by Issuer or Listed Security and the Like is disclosed to the public on the "Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet)" presented by the Tokyo Stock Exchange.For the media, information is announced through the press club at the Tokyo Stock Exchange (Kabuto Club).These reporting documents, including financial statements following the guidelines set in the exchange act are submitted to the finance bureau under jurisdiction as well as the Tokyo Stock Exchange without delay.Reporting documents, including financial statements, are prepared and made available for the public.

Announced information is published on our website in a timely manner, but not all information disclosed on TDnet is published on the website.

Silent Period

We sets a "Silent Period", withholding replies and responses to comments and inquiries regarding the account settlement on the day it announces it for the relevant term to prevent the leaking of information that may influence the stock price.
However, even during the "Silent Period," if the content of the settlement is expected to be grossly inaccurate from the already announced business forecast, we will disclose that information accordingly.


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