Message from the President
Aiming for Carbon Neutrality and Sustainability
The ADEKA Group is committed to strengthening its management foundation through the promotion of CSR, and is building systems to address social issues such as climate change, resource recycling, and respect for human rights in the supply chain. At the same time, conditions in Japan and overseas are changing rapidly, and the importance of sustainability-conscious corporate management is growing. We must swiftly implement measures to avoid or reduce risks and expand our business domain.
In our efforts to address climate change issues, we have established a roadmap to become carbon neutral and set a greenhouse gas reduction target for 2030 of 46% below our fiscal 2013 level. In addition, in February 2022, we announced our endorsement of the TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure), and are analyzing and assessing the impact of climate change on our business activities, as well as studying and promoting measures to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society. In April 2022, we newly established the Corporate Sustainability Department and the Carbon-Neutral Strategy Department in order to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Under this new system, we will respond to changes in the social environment, accelerate efforts to achieve carbon neutrality, and aim to enhance our corporate value through sustainable management.
Strengthening the Foundation for Creating New Value
The ADEKA Group is promoting a wide range of initiatives with the goals of creating products and technologies that contribute to affluent lifestyles through safe and stable business activities, respecting individual human rights throughout the supply chain, and ensuring that each and every employee is able to play an active role in the company. In April 2021, we signed the United Nations Global Compact and have been promoting activities based on the Ten Principles in the four areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.
One of the ADEKA Group's human resource principles is "Respect for the human nature and personal qualities of employees." We place a high value on diversity and expect our employees to become human resources who value the individuality of each employee, respect each individual's way of thinking, and communicate well with those around them. Based on this principle, we hire people with diverse values and backgrounds, and invest in human capital by expanding our career development training and other development programs so that all employees can maximize their individuality and abilities and be active on a global scale.
In order for diverse human resources to play an active role in the company, it is necessary to share a common recognition which allows for a work-life balance and flexible work styles that meet the needs of each individual. In June 2022, we established the D&I Project Team to develop an environment that encourages employees to accept and respect each other's individuality. With the promotion of women's participation and advancement as a starting point, we will continue to promote diversity and inclusion with the aim of becoming a company where all people can play an active role.
At the same time, investment in intellectual property is essential for the ADEKA Group to continue its growth and development. The ADEKA Group will accelerate its digital transformation in R&D and production technology, and create new business fields by integrating the core competence technologies that it has cultivated to date in each business field. In addition, as a growth driver for the ADEKA Group, we will promote the use of technological alliances and open innovation through collaboration between industry and academia in order to cultivate businesses in the areas of life sciences, the environment, energy, and next-generation ICT.
Strengthening Corporate Governance as a Means of Enhancing Corporate Value
The ADEKA Group considers the strengthening of corporate governance to be a top management priority. To further reinforce the supervisory function and oversight system of the Board of Directors and enhance corporate governance, in June 2021, ADEKA transitioned from a Company with Audit & Supervisory Board to a Company with Audit and Supervisory Committee.
The ADEKA Group strives to ensure the diversity of its Board of Directors members according to the management environment and business characteristics, and has established a skills matrix of the knowledge and experience required of directors in light of the ADEKA Group's management strategy, which is used to confirm the balance of skills when nominating candidates for the next Board of Directors and to provide information to shareholders.
We will continue to work vigorously to reform our management structure and further strengthen our corporate governance.
Message to Our Stakeholders
Materials are the heart of the ADEKA Group.
Our products and technologies alone are nothing more than materials. However, when we are able to accurately respond to the demands of the market and our customers, our products and technologies become treasures.
We have chosen "Add Goodness" as the corporate slogan that embodies us. Everything can be made better than it is now. Our products and technologies have the power to "Add Goodness," a sentiment which reflects the pride we take in our products and technologies.
The ADEKA Group was founded in Arakawa, Tokyo in 1917 as Asahi Denka Co. The company was established in order to achieve domestic production of caustic soda as soon as possible after World War I, when caustic soda, which at that time had to be imported, became difficult to obtain. Since then, we have continued to improve our technology and create value by earning the trust of our customers.
The ADEKA Group currently has 54 affiliates operating in 16 countries and regions. Overseas sales account for more than 50% of our total sales, and in some businesses, more than 80%. Although we have expanded both in terms of business domains and scale, our basic stance has not changed.
Our mission is to understand our customers' issues and social challenges, and to propose our materials to solve those issues. To meet the expectations of our stakeholders, we at the ADEKA Group are committed to enriching people's lives and contributing to the realization of a sustainable society through the power of our materials.