
What's New


2022 New Year Message (summary)

Jan. 05, 2022

Accelerate the foundation for ADEKA's Transformation.

 In 2022, efforts toward carbon neutrality will be further accelerated in countries around the world. As a manufacturing industry and a company that "Creating a better future for the people of the world," we, the ADEKA Group, will take a bird's-eye view of the entire supply chain, face climate change issues seriously, and create innovations for the realization of a sustainable society.
 This year, the second year of our mid-term management plan "ADX 2023," we will promote reforms in the profit structure and accelerate the creation of a foundation on which transforms can be achieved.
 "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."―We will continue to strive for further growth without being afraid of risks.


Hidetaka Shirozume
President and Chief Executive Officer


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