
What's New


2013 New Year's greetings from the President

Jan. 07, 2013

"Achieving our Growth Strategy Goals"

It is essential that we solidify our revenue base by achieving the growth strategy goals we have set, such as the development of new products, the expansion of overseas businesses, and the selection and concentration of our core businesses.
This year, as we move into the second year of our medium-term management plan, in order to turn ADEKA into a "Good Company," in order that we can reach sales of 300 billion yen by FY2016, we will rapidly achieve our business planning goals and accelerate the implementation of our STEP 3000 mid-term management plan, while at the same time reaping the benefits of the growth strategies that we have developed through the years.
Despite minor setbacks, every ADEKA Group employee must actively address the challenges we face in order to obtain great results by making the most of such setbacks in facing our next challenge.


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